Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
arguments | List | 1.0.0 | A list of <argument> to add to the casperjs
command line. |
casperExecPath | String | 1.0.0 | Complete path of the executable for CasperJS. Default value: Found from toolchain named casperjs, then from this parameter, then from PATH with default value of casperjs on Linux/Mac or casperjs.bat on Windows User property is: casperjs.executable. |
casperjsVerbose | boolean | 1.0.2 | For CasperJS 1.1.x, set --verbose option, --direct for CasperJS
1.0.x: will output log messages directly to the console Default value is: false. User property is: casperjs.casperjsVerbose. |
direct | boolean | 1.0.0 | Set the CasperJS --direct option: will output log messages directly
to the console. Deprecated: use the casperjsVerbose
option Default value is: false. User property is: casperjs.direct. |
enableXmlReports | boolean | 1.0.2 | Should CasperJS generates XML reports, through the
--xunit=[filename] option. If true, such
reports will be generated in the reportsDirectory
directory, with a name of TEST-<test
filename>.xml. Default value is: false. User property is: casperjs.enableXmlReports. |
engine | String | 1.0.0 | CasperJS 1.1 and above Set the for the CasperJS option --engine=[engine]: will change the rendering engine (phantomjs or slimerjs) User property is: casperjs.engine. |
environmentVariables | Map | 1.0.0 | Environment variables to set on the command line, instead of the
default, inherited, ones. |
failFast | boolean | 1.0.0 | Set the CasperJS --fail-fast option: will terminate the current
test suite as soon as a first failure is encountered. Default value is: false. User property is: casperjs.failFast. |
ignoreTestFailures | boolean | 1.0.0 | Do we ignore the tests failures. If yes, the plugin will not fail
at the end if there was tests failures. Default value is: ${maven.test.failure.ignore}. User property is: casperjs.ignoreTestFailures. |
includeCS | boolean | 1.0.0 | A flag to indicate if the *.coffee found in
tests.directory should be executed. Default value is: true. User property is: casperjs.include.coffeescript. |
includeJS | boolean | 1.0.0 | A flag to indicate if the *.js found in
tests.directory should be executed. Default value is: true. User property is: casperjs.include.javascript. |
includes | String | 1.0.0 | Set the value for the CasperJS option
--includes=[foo.js,bar.js]: will includes the foo.js
and bar.js files before each test file execution. User property is: casperjs.includes. |
includesPatterns | List | 1.0.1 | A list of <includesPattern> elements specifying
the files (by pattern) to set on the --includes
option. When not specified and the ${tests.directory}/includes directory exists, this will be set to <includesPatterns> <includesPattern>${tests.directory}/includes/**/*.js</includesPattern> </includesPatterns> |
logLevel | String | 1.0.0 | Set the value for the CasperJS option
--log-level=[logLevel]: sets the logging level (see
http://casperjs.org/logging.html). User property is: casperjs.logLevel. |
post | String | 1.0.0 | Set the value for the CasperJS option
--post=[post-test.js]: will add the tests contained in
post-test.js after having executed the whole test suite. If a
post.js file is found on the
${tests.directory}, this option will be set
automatically User property is: casperjs.post. |
pre | String | 1.0.0 | Set the value for the CasperJS option
--pre=[pre-test.js]: will add the tests contained in
pre-test.js before executing the test suite. If a
pre.js file is found on the
${tests.directory}, this option will be set
automatically User property is: casperjs.pre. |
reportsDir | File | 1.0.2 | Directory where the xUnit reports will be stored. Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/casperjs-reports. User property is: casperjs.reports.directory. |
session | MavenSession | 09/04/13 | The current maven session, used by the ToolChainManager Default value is: ${session}. |
skip | boolean | 1.0.1 | Set this to true to bypass unit tests entirely. Default value is: ${maven.test.skip}. User property is: casperjs.skip. |
targetDir | File | 09/04/13 | The directory where output files will be stored Default value is: ${project.build.directory}/casperjs. |
test | String | 1.0.0 | Specify this parameter to run individual tests by file name,
overriding the testIncludes/testExcludes
parameters. Each pattern you specify here will be used to create an
include pattern formatted like **/${test}.{js,coffee},
so you can just type "-Dtest=MyTest" to run a single test called
foo/MyTest.js or foo/MyTest.coffee. User property is: casperjs.test. |
testsDir | File | 1.0.0 | Directory where the tests to execute are stored. If ${tests.directory}/includes and ${tests.directory}/scripts directories exist, this is changed to ${tests.directory}/scripts and all *.js files in ${tests.directory}/includes will automatically be added to the CasperJS --includes list. Default value is: ${basedir}/src/test/casperjs. User property is: casperjs.tests.directory. |
testsExcludes | List | 1.0.1 | A list of <testsExclude> elements specifying the
tests (by pattern) that should be excluded in testing. |
testsIncludes | List | 1.0.1 | A list of <testsInclude> elements specifying the
tests (by pattern) that should be included in testing. Default value: When not specified and when the test parameter is not specified, the default includes will be (javascript patterns will only be set if includeJS is true, and coffee patterns will only be set if includeCS is true) <testsIncludes> <testsInclude>**/Test*.js</testsInclude> <testsInclude>**/*Test.js</testsInclude> <testsInclude>**/*TestCase.js</testsInclude> <testsInclude>**/Test*.coffee</testsInclude> <testsInclude>**/*Test.coffee</testsInclude> <testsInclude>**/*TestCase.coffee</testsInclude> </testsIncludes> |
verbose | boolean | 1.0.0 | Set the plugin to be verbose during its execution. Default value is: ${maven.verbose}. User property is: casperjs.verbose. |